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Single-page site creator
2013 · Design & Development

Simply create beautiful pages

I co-founded Tackk Inc in 2013, with the mission to empower everyone with the ability to instantly create, publish, and share beautiful content on the web.

Since officially launching, there have been over 50 million visits to user created Tackk pages and over 2.5 million comments posted. Tackk has been featured on PCWorld, TechCrunch, AppStorm, Torque Magazine, and many other publications.

Tackk has become especially popular with teachers and educators, allowing students to have fun creating and sharing their school projects with the rest of the classroom… and world!

As Creative Director & Lead Product Designer, I owned product design and branding.

Other products

While at Tackk Inc, I also played a major role in the design of two other apps, Squad and Wink.